Elderberry Elixir
I have a host of preventative methods and early interventions to keep myself and my family healthy. Certain remedies tend to work better for certain people because we each have unique needs. What works very well for one person, may be ineffective, unsafe, or just plain unpalatable for another. However, this particular one is both tasty and effective for most everyone who has followed my recommendation.
Either as a daily preventative when those around me are sick, or at the first sign of illness, I make a large batch of elderberry elixir. I vary my recipe based on my specific goal. Am I trying to ward off a virus, ease a cough, or expel some yucky mucus? I start with the basic recipe below and make slight, but very effective, adjustments as needed – that is the beauty of herbs.
Herbal Basics:
Both elderberry and echinacea are wonderful immune modulators. If you tend to catch every illness going around, consider taking a tablespoon of elderberry and echinacea root elixir every day during the cold and flu season to strengthen immunity.
Using echinacea regularly helps to keep your immune system strong. If you do catch something, the symptoms will be less severe and you will recover more quickly thanks to your daily dose of echinacea root.
Elderberry is a nutrient-rich herb containing antioxidants and phytochemicals to help maintain a healthy immune system. Elderberry also has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties, making it an ideal herb of choice when dealing with those miserable winter bugs. Taking elderberry often reduces the severity and shortens the duration of the flu.
If your immune system is weak and you often down with a cold or flu, they can help.
Elixir Basics:
There are several over-the-counter elderberry products, however making your own is simple.
- Start with 1/3 cup dried elderberries (or a blend of elderberries
, echinacea purpurea
and echinacea angustifolia
- Add 3 cups water and the dried herbs to a saucepan. Heat just to boiling and reduce heat, allowing the mixture to simmer, while covered, for about 20 minutes. You are making an herbal decoction.
- After 20 minutes, strain the liquid through a mesh strainer
into a clean canning jar. Be careful! It will be very hot. - Optional (I skip this step) Add about 1/3 cup raw honey to the strained liquid. Mix well.
- Store in the refrigerator for up to one month.
I use one tablespoon per day throughout the cold and flu season to stay healthy and increase the dosage to one tablespoon per hour (up to 6-8 tablespoons in one day) when symptoms begin. *
*Information given is for educational purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare practitioner before beginning any new herbal product or nutritional supplement.
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