Enjoy A Better Cup of Hot Cocoa

By |February 2nd, 2015|

There are many foods that we give up on the path to health. There are also many delicious replacements. This post is about hot cocoa – a better, healthier version. 

Sleep Well Part II

By |December 30th, 2014|

Simple Interventions When Sleep Does Not Come Easily

We all need regular restful sleep in order to obtain good health. Without it, you are at risk for everything from fatigue, forgetfulness, moodiness, depression, and anxiety, to weight-gain and a host of chronic diseases. Lack of good sleep is often a huge issue for many of my clients. If you have read through and followed the simple guidelines in my previous sleep blog and are still struggling with exhaustion, read on. Here are a few quick and natural interventions to help you sleep better.

Herbal Infusions

By |November 30th, 2014|

What is an herbal infusion?
aka: My Secret to Good Health.  An herbal infusion is basically just a very strong herbal tea. The benefits of an infusion over a typical cup of herbal tea are many. I get more nutrients and more therapeutic benefits in one cup of a well-made, well-crafted herbal infusion than I could get in several cups of a boxed herbal tea. I make at least one teapot – every day. It gives me energy, focus, vitamins, minerals, keeps me hydrated, and, by choosing adaptogenic or nervine herbs, my infusion calms my nerves and helps me better adapt to every day stress (this last benefit is the greatest!). I’m not myself without it!

My Secret Weapon to Keep the Immune System Strong

By |November 27th, 2014|

Elderberry Elixir

I have a host of preventative methods and early interventions to keep myself and my family healthy. Certain remedies tend to work better for certain people because we each have unique needs. What works very well for one person, may be ineffective, unsafe, or just plain unpalatable for another. However, this particular one is both tasty and effective for most everyone who has followed my recommendation.

Either as a daily preventative when those around me are sick, or at the first sign of illness, I make a large batch of elderberry elixir. I vary my recipe based on my specific goal. Am I trying to ward off a virus, ease a cough, or expel some yucky mucus? I start with the basic recipe below and make slight, but very effective, adjustments as needed – that is the beauty of herbs.

Quick Interventions to Shorten the Duration of a Cold or Flu

By |November 20th, 2014|

If you want to shorten the duration and reduce the severity of a cold or flu, or stop it from taking hold altogether, it’s important to act as soon as you feel the slightest symptom. The moment you sense you have picked up a virus, take action immediately. Here are some of the basic methods I use at home.

Simple Steps to Prevent the Common Cold

By |November 20th, 2014|

‘Tis the season for sniffles and sneezes, but it doesn’t have to be for you!

Here are some simple methods you should begin doing today to keep you healthy during the upcoming cold and flu season.